Tag Archives: healthy

What Are the Risk Factors for Dupuytren’s Contracture?

The deformity of the hand due to the abnormal thickening and tightening of the skin beneath the palm of your hand is called Dupuytren’s Contracture or Viking hand syndrome. This disease limits your ability to perform daily actions smoothly and comfortably. Here are a few risk factors that are significantly linked with this disease –

  1. Age – The disease is commonly seen in people who are above the age of 50 
  2. Occupation – Studies have shown that there’s a strong connection between Viking hand and people who regularly engage with vibrating tools on their job 
  3. Alcohol and Tobacco – Both of them maximize the risk of Viking hand syndrome 
  4. Diabetes – Individuals who have Diabetes have a high risk of developing this disease
  5. Gender – Men are more likely to suffer from this disease; comparatively, women have fewer chances.

The hands contribute hugely to the daily life of an individual. Any hand deformity can cause a lot of trouble. That’s why if you’re suffering from Viking finger syndrome, you must seek its cure. You may get a high-quality Dupuytren wand that you can use in the comfort of your home and get relief from it without surgery.

Eight Foods That Are Enrich in Iodine

Do you want to endorse healthy thyroid function while enjoying some delicious dishes? There are some options available at local grocery and nutrition supplements online store that can be made that happen. Here we have listed six different foods rich in iodine that assist in reaching a DV of 150 mg (adults).

#1 Dried Seaweed

1/4th of an ounce of dried seaweed contains about 4,500 micrograms of iodine. This food can be found in most local grocery stores and make a delicious snack or a nice soup or dish. Moreover, you can visit online to any nutrition supplements to checkout some iodine capsules if you don’t want to cock or not good at cooking.

#2 Eggs

It’s no doubt that egg is one of the fantastic foods that contain almost all nutrients. An egg contains a variety of vitamins and minerals. They can provide 1/10th of the daily recommended iodine. Moreover, they are low in calories.

#3 Shellfish

Lobster and shrimp are highly enriched with iodine. Lobster contains 100mg of iodine, and shrimp contains 35mg. You will find that almost all marine life, both animals and plants, is high in iodine. This includes fish like cod. If you are looking for some quick and easy way to have iodine in your daily diet, add aquatic options. If you don’t want, then try fish oil. The fish oil is an incredible source of iodine and a fantastic mood boost dietary supplement.

#4 Cranberries

Greeted as a “super fruit,” cranberries are exceedingly high in vitamins like C and K. Cranberries also beneficial for your urinary tract system. Besides all these great benefits, cranberries contain 400mg of iodine.

If you are trying to find an incredible method to increase your iodine by cranberry intake, try homemade cranberry relish. All you have to boil cranberries in a mixture of orange juice and sugar will yield the best results.

#5 Dairy Products

Yogurts, cheeses, and milk all dairy products contain varying amounts of iodine. Milk alone contains 56 micrograms (mg) per serving, depending on the actual source and quality of milk.

#6 Turkey Breast

Turkey breast contains low fat and high in flavor, and has long been seen as a food for the first and foremost holiday seasons. If you are a big fan of chicken and looking for a great way to improve your iodine value, turkey can offer about 34 micrograms per serving. It is also loaded with other significant nutrients and vitamins.

#7 Iodized Salt

You can use iodized salt. Approximately 17mcg of iodine is present in ¼ teaspoon of iodized salt, which is recommended intake. Moreover, salt also contains sodium. In the last decade, iodine intake has reduced in the United States. This is because of the push of major health organizations and firms to stop daily sodium consumption to prevent or treat high blood pressure disease.

#8 Tuna

Tuna is a high-protein and iodine-rich food. Moreover, it is an excellent source of iron, potassium, and vitamin B. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids, which may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. As tuna is a fattier fish, the amount of iodine found in tuna is lower than other leaner fishes. Still, tuna is an excellent source of iodine.


There is no denying that everyone who goes to the gym to lift weights has their own set of goals. There is one common thread that runs through most is the desire to get bulkier and stronger. Bodybuilders are those unique people who live to build every muscle in the body to the most significant possible degree. They also try to make sure that everything stays in proportion. If you are also looking for transforming your body and getting bulkier, the online boss shred program by Ryan Spiteri is explicitly designed for you. Here are a few exercises for building muscle.

1. Squats

These are some of the best exercises you can do to gain muscle and get bigger. It is easy to switch to more challenging versions over time, and in the meantime, work towards perfecting your form for the best results.

2. Push-ups

These workout moves work your chest, triceps, and shoulders for a complete muscle-building exercise. Avoid neglecting them.

3. Tricep Dips

The back of the arm is a place where women carry weight genetically. And that might also be the last place that some women lose weight from. You need to indulge in this exercise and watch calorie intake.

4. Bench Press

This is the best workout exercise for pectorals and deltoids. If you wish to achieve maximum stimulation of the chest, position your torso on the bench with a slight arch in the lower back; the ribcage held high, and the shoulder shrugged back and downward.

5. Barbell Pullover

This is the exercise recommended by Ryan Spiteri that promises to enhance pectorals/Lats/ Teres Major/ Triceps. Get the most of this workout by using a weight that allows you a full and deep stretch.

6. Pullup

Vary grip widths and the torso’s angle when pulling to stimulate all areas of the back musculature effectively.

7. Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press

This is the exercise to put the most significant emphasis on the anterior delts, press the DB’s with the palms facing each other.

8. Dip

Lean the torso forward during this movement to target the chest. And you need to keep the torso upright to engage more of the triceps.

9. Crunches

This is the exercise to help with the core strength. These are also meant to tone your midsection.

10. Rotational Jacks

This is an incredible twist on a jumping jack. Rotational jacks are an excellent way to kick off a workout. They’ll get your heart rate up and muscles warm. Include these exercises in your 6 month body transformation program and witness the magic sprout.

Tips to stay healthy

Most of us have heard the statement “Health is Wealth,” but only a few of us know the real meaning of it. No matter how wealthy a person is, if he is not healthy, he is unable to cherish good things in life. With the increase in urbanization, the mortality rate and medical complications are surging at an alarming rate. This is due to poor lifestyle and not giving importance to health.

Including things such as dietary supplements can boost the overall health of a person. Let us delve deeper into some of the ways with which a person can stay healthy:

Have breakfast

Most of the nutritionists recommend that one must have a good quality breakfast in the morning. Having a good breakfast is a great way to boost your metabolic activity. Skipping breakfast is the most common activity which is taken up by teenagers and adolescents. You can include whole grains, seasonal vegetables along with protein sources that you can get from nuts and seeds. You can also include dietary supplements that will help you stay fit and healthy for a long time.

No late-night meals

Having meals at night causes obesity to the individuals doing night shifts. Late-night snacking results in indigestion and might interfere with your sleep.

Reduce Salt

Reduce salt intake as having salt in high quantity will lead to an increase in blood pressure. It is better to add one teaspoon or less salt in your everyday meals.


Exercises must be included in your daily routine. You can do exercises such as Yoga and Aerobics as it will keep your heart in good health. Physical exercises help in a way that they offer energy boost at optimum levels. Exercising for thirty minutes in a day will increase your lifespan in the long run. Along with exercises, you can include dietary supplements to achieve overall fitness.

Don’t sit continuously for long hours

Whether you are in the office or at home, it is essential to move around as not doing so will lower your metabolism and weaken your muscles. Make sure you stand up and move around for a couple of hours. Perform stretching exercises from time to time.

Avoid mindless eating

When you get hunger pangs, it is essential to munch healthy food. Eating food that is stacked inside the refrigerator for a long time can pose a danger to your health. If you are on a weight loss journey, adopt mindful eating habits.

Avoid Pessimistic thinking

The most poisonous drug to humanity is pessimistic thinking. People who think positive think on the bright side of life and make positive changes in the style of living.

For some people, it might not be very easy to maintain health, but it must be a priority in a person’s life. You can make a difference by adopting these small changes. Making small changes in diet by including dietary supplements and having a holistic approach to health can make a person lead a cheerful life.

Why Should You Start Using Pre-Workout Supplements ASAP?

Taking pre-workout supplements are an emerging craze. There is a myriad of benefits associated with them. But, there are still very few people who know about the supplements in intricate detail. A bunch of people always tend to scratch their heads whenever the topic comes up. There are a lot of people who have heard about sleep aids supplements, but, when it comes to pre-workout ones, zip, zilch, nada. These supplements are generally composed of caffeine and beta-alanine. They both work together perfectly to ignite your training sessions. If you wish to achieve peak performance and efficiency in the gym, these supplements are your best option. Let us check-out for more reasons that might compel you to invest in them that is if you are not already convinced.

Weight loss and metabolism go hand in hand

Weight loss is one of the most indirect effects of using pre-workout supplements. Many of the ingredients are meant to stimulate metabolism. For instance, caffeine, which is in most of the pre-workout supplements, is a proven fat-loss aid.

  • You get more energy to workout

This is a no-brainer benefit. The supplements are sure to fill you with more energy. This boost of energy is primarily due to caffeine. Any pre-workout supplements that have caffeine as an ingredient tend to act as a stimulant. These supplements can make you feel energized in a jiffy.

  • They provide you with long-lasting endurance

People that are into these supplements tend to work out for a more extended period and more laborious too. They owe their endurance to caffeine and creatine. L-citrulline malate, beta-alanine, and amino acids are some of the other ingredients that act as endurance promoting.

If you wish to avail of the benefits bestowed upon by pre-workout supplements, you must start using them as soon as you can.

How to Select Best Fat Burners to Include in your Diet?

Losing weight is never an easy process! You have to fight with diets, keep a count calorie, maintain infinite hours at the gym, and those plateau phases–these things can turn out to be you worst nightmare. It is not easy, it isn’t impossible either!

Strong thermogenic fat burner can increase your endurance, energy, fastens the fat loss process and suppress your appetite.  With this you can thanks science and creation of such fat burning supplements that helps you gain results faster with lesser struggle.

 Quick Tip: If you work out daily, then to increase your endurance, check pre workout supplements reviews and you can buy them online from retailers like OnestHealth.

  • How does thermogenic fat burner works?

Some Thermogenic fat burners are known to produce heat in the inside cells that burns fat. Others help in increasing your metabolic rate while you are on the quick fat loss! And, these fat burners’ best works when consumed with healthy diet regiment.

  • Which fat burner is right for your weight loss goals?

There are various types of supplements available in the market such as creatine for muscle growth. But there are few ingredients that you should look out for while picking the fat burners for yourself.

  1. Forslean Forskolin – it helps in releasing fatty acids from the stubborn fat that has been deposited in your body. Many clinical studies suggest that ability of forskolin for increasing metabolism and target belly fat is commendable.
  2. 5-HTP – You won’t find 5-HTP in fat burners because of its price; 5 is a costly ingredient that increases serotonin, suppress hunger, and aids in weight loss naturally.
  3. Cayenne Pepper – When the extract of “cayenne pepper” is added to the Transparent Lab’s Fat Burner, it naturally upturns body’s thermogenesis process without any stimulant effect which further increases the amount of calories burnt with/without exercise.

3 Lesser Known Supplement Ingredients for Weight Loss

When the urge of dropping weight hits you, every place that can be of any help tempts you. If you are giving dietary supplements or herbs a thought, then you need to know they have got mixed reviews. But the good news is that there are few supplements that clearly claim to accelerate the weight loss process. Here are 3 ingredients of supplements for weight loss:

  • Chitosan

It is type of sugar that is obtained from the hard shells of lobsters, crabs, and shrimp. Fitness enthusiasts say that it has an ability to refrain the fats and cholesterol from getting absorbed by your body. While it has this great capability to block the fat absorption in the body, there aren’t enough evidences that its exhibit properties that can help in weight loss. Though this substance caused no major side-effects, some users suffered constipation or upset stomach.

 Note: If you are allergic to shellfish, never consume Chitosan as it comes from shellfish.

  • Chromium Picolinate

Chromium Picolinate is a mineral that helps in enhancing insulin in our blood. Insulin is a hormone that is very essential for turning food into energy. Our body also requires it to store various elements of the nutrition such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.  It can be one of the best workout supplements for weight loss.

Consumption of chromium supplements can:

  • Help you burn more calories
  • Lower your appetite
  • Cut your body fat
  • Boost your muscle mass

If you consume Chromium Picolinate less than35 micrograms every day, it is safe and can help in weight loss. Higher doses exhibits some side effects like insomnia, irritability, headache and kidney problems

  • Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

This is dietary supplement that contains chemical— linoleic acid, found in the fatty acid. It helps in weight loss, claimed by Natural Medicines. It helps in curbing your body fat to keep your full. It is suggested to consume 1.8 to 6.8 grams of CLA per day and it can result in:

  • Curb body fat
  • Boost muscle

CLA may exhibits some side effects in some people such as:

  • Upset stomach
  • Nausea
  • Loose stools
  • Fatigue

Top Gifts to buy for your friends on this Black Friday Sale

Black Friday is the day which comes after Thanksgiving the best time of the year to buy anything for yourself and your friends to bring a smile on their face. These days it is hard to give something to someone as gifting something to a friend. Giving something healthy might offend him and make the weight loss process difficult for him. One can ask questions from your friends about what he likes or dislikes, which will give you an idea of what they like. If they are themselves doing know what they want then here are some of the things which you can give to your loved ones who are aiming to lose weight:

  • Pedometer: If you don’t have a budget to spend on fitness trackers, go for a pedometer, which is most effective as compared to a wristwatch. It will help him track various activities during the day and will know daily calorie counts on his device. One can find this device in stores or can shop online.
  • Stylist Appointment: You can bribe your friend by telling him that there will be a surprise for you after you lose weight. There is nothing better than giving a style session as it is a great weight loss gift. If the person is fond of clothes, one can get an appointment from a gift recipient who will spend an hour or two in finding a perfect gift for them. The perfect clothing will help them lose more weight.
  • Weight Loss SupplementsFat loss supplements helps in re-energizing your body and help you achieve weight loss goals naturally. If the person has tried all the methods of losing weight but is unable to do it, this is the ultimate gift that will not only shed excess weight out of his body but will also boost metabolism and supports healthy digestion.
  • Home Workout Supplements: Some people don’t like going to the gym. If your friend prefers to do exercises in the safety of his or her own home, one can purchase him a treadmill, exercise bikes, or some weight training equipment. One can also give a mirror that looks like a reflecting wall and can perform his training sessions having gym supplements and doing exercises will keep your body in shape.
  • A Trendy Cookware Set: If your friend is a food lover, one can surprise him with trendy cookware with a cookbook that has healthy recipes along with calorie count. He can stay healthy by having healthy things, which will bring weight loss as well as positivity in his life as he has accomplished his goals.

Grab the best deals ever during black Friday sales and gifting them things such as gym supplements will help him come in shape and look better than before.

Know Amazing Facts Before Buying Joint Support Supplements

There is no denying to the fact that supplements play a vital role for sportsmen, elderly people, and the ones who are immensely active in physical activities. If you regularly indulge yourself in vigorous physical activities, it is very essential to take care of the nutrients you consume. And, if you do not consume a balanced diet then, your body might give up!

In case you are on a weight loss regime, then it is utterly important to consume joint support supplements along with supplements for weight loss. With a new diet plan, it is significantly important to receive extra nutritional value in terms of proteins and vitamins. Here’s all what you need to know:

  • Choose a Good Supplement Program

 If you are trying to head on a journey towards fitness, a good supplement program is all you need. It is sheer important to have a low-calorie diet and follow it religiously with discipline. While you follow a low-calorie diet plan, it is most likely that your body will lack in certain nutrient content. To prevent the nutrition depletion, you can pick diet supplements such as joint support supplements.

In order to select the right type of supplements, you need to know more about your body. Also you need to mind the fact you need stay away as far as you can from the artificial sweeteners, colors, flavors, preservatives and fillers.

For instance: Omega-3 possesses many benefits but unfortunately these fatty acids are not produced in our bodies. Multivitamin is advantageous for leveling the needed amount of vitamins and minerals.

  • Supplements for Bones and Joints

If you are the one who often suffer from joint pain, the likelihood of this happening is in your mid 30s or mid-40s. The reason behind it is that as we grow older, the cartilage that provides cushioning present in our knees starts to wear down. And, the resultant is pain because the bones tend to start rubbing against each other.  Our unhealthy eating habits and busy lifestyle both don’t let us to keep up with our health. Hence, joint support supplements are recommended. They help you in easing out your bodily movements. These supplements are not only meant for older generation or the overactive people but also for younger generations to make sure that they don’t suffer joint pain in old age.

  • Role of Nutrients for Joint Health

Nutrients found in joint support supplements work differently; for example, there are some products that are only meant for controlling pain or act as a lubricant. Other products are capable of repair and rebuild the damage occurred in the joints. Whatever may be the problem, solution comes right there in box. Glucosamine is an amino-acid that helps in fighting joint deterioration and delivers the right lubrication. Collagen supplements benefit in replacing the natural collagen that reduces as you grow older. Most of the diet supplements for joints maintains the flexibility and defends joints from oxidants that can cause damage to the cartilage.

Things one must know about Beta Anhydrous and Beta-Alanine

Our body needs every nutrient to function correctly, be it vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates. A compound that is beneficial to us in a way that it is present in Beets, Spinach, Wine, and Beetroots is Betaine Anhydrous. They are used by athletics or sports enthusiasts to increase the ability to do exercises, achieve performance goals quickly, and the tolerance level enhances while performing intense training.

Evidence from Studies

  • Most of the Betaine extracted from sugar beets used in animal feeds.
  • It can produce better meet as increases lean muscle mass, thereby decreasing tissue fat.
  •  It is used by bodybuilders and the people planning to shed weight.
  • It lowers blood cholesterol, thereby reducing the risks of cardiovascular diseases.

Alanine: A Remedy to Fatigue 

You are in the gym doing weight lifting exercises. The more you pick weight, the more acid gets accumulated in your cells, and it reaches to a point where you can no longer do it and feel tired. Beta-Alanine aims to reduce fatigue. Beta-Alanine benefits the body in a way that increases the level of Carnosine in the muscles, which helps you perform more reps before getting tired. One can also have a shred supplement stack, which is used to suppress appetite and gives surreal energy and focus.

All you must  know about Beta-Alanine

  • It is a form of Performance enhancer Amino Acid Supplement
  • It goes well with Creatine(Additive to enhance sports performance)

How to make Beta-Alanine get in the body?

Alanine is an Amino Acid not produced by the body. The only way to make it get into the shape is by eating the right food or supplementation. Beta-Alanine doesn’t have long term side effects. The continued use of Beta-Alanine maintains the amount of Carnosine, which is not going to rise further.

Long Beta-Alanine Take to be Effective?

A significant increase in strength can after four weeks. Studies reveal that Beta-Alanine allows Carnosine levels to reach a peak after 12 weeks. Having it 30-45 minutes before exercising enables the supplement to enter in the system and have an effect.

Alanine and Beta Anhydrous are supplements to keep an eye on athletes performing workouts for better endurance. Make sure that you have adequate knowledge about the supplements before you have them to increase the stamina of the body as there are lots of false claims done by health companies to earn profits from consumers who are unhappy the way they are. Be yourself, keep pushing yourself hard, and make better choices when it comes to health.