Tag Archives: health

Dupuytren’s Wand: Home Treatment for Dupuytren’s Contracture

Are you tired of living with the limitations and discomfort caused by Dupuytren’s contracture? Introducing Dupuytren’s Wand – home treatment for dupuytren’s contracture, the breakthrough hand-held device that offers a revolutionary approach to treating this condition. With the power of advanced heat therapy, including far infrared and ultrasonic heat waves, Dupuytren’s Wand provides a non-invasive and convenient solution for managing Dupuytren’s contracture right in the comfort of your own home. Here are the key benefits:

Targeted Treatment: Dupuytren’s Wand precisely delivers heat waves to the affected area, helping to break down the causes of contracture, promoting flexibility and restoring normal hand function.

Safe and Non-Invasive: No invasive surgeries or injections. Dupuytren’s Wand offers a safe, pain-free, and non-surgical alternative for managing Dupuytren’s contracture.

Convenient and Portable: With its compact design, Dupuytren’s Wand can be easily used at home or on the go. No frequent clinic visits and enjoy the flexibility of treating your condition whenever and wherever you prefer.

Promote Self-Care: Take control of your Dupuytren’s contracture management by incorporating Dupuytren’s Wand into your daily routine. It empowers you to actively participate in your treatment plan and experience gradual improvements over time.

Don’t let Dupuytren’s contracture – home treatment for dupuytren’s contracture hinder your daily activities any longer. Embrace the power of Dupuytren’s Wand and start your journey towards a more flexible and pain-free future today! Visit our website or contact us to learn more about this ground-breaking device and how it can transform your life. Reclaim your hand function and regain your freedom with Dupuytren’s Wand!

What Are the Risk Factors for Dupuytren’s Contracture?

The deformity of the hand due to the abnormal thickening and tightening of the skin beneath the palm of your hand is called Dupuytren’s Contracture or Viking hand syndrome. This disease limits your ability to perform daily actions smoothly and comfortably. Here are a few risk factors that are significantly linked with this disease –

  1. Age – The disease is commonly seen in people who are above the age of 50 
  2. Occupation – Studies have shown that there’s a strong connection between Viking hand and people who regularly engage with vibrating tools on their job 
  3. Alcohol and Tobacco – Both of them maximize the risk of Viking hand syndrome 
  4. Diabetes – Individuals who have Diabetes have a high risk of developing this disease
  5. Gender – Men are more likely to suffer from this disease; comparatively, women have fewer chances.

The hands contribute hugely to the daily life of an individual. Any hand deformity can cause a lot of trouble. That’s why if you’re suffering from Viking finger syndrome, you must seek its cure. You may get a high-quality Dupuytren wand that you can use in the comfort of your home and get relief from it without surgery.

Get A Detailed Information About Knuckle Pads Dorsal Dupuytren Nodules

The layer of tissue beneath the skin in the fingers and the palms of the hands is called fascia. As the fascia thickens and tightens, the fingers bend towards the palm, and it becomes impossible to extend them fully known as knuckle pads dorsal Dupuytren nodules. Here are the things that you need to know before moving on to the treatment options:

Risk factors: 

  • Alcohol consumption
  • Older age
  • Heredity factor
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Vascular disease


Exercises for Dupuytren’s contracture: 

Finger lifts

  • Place the affected hand on the table
  • Raise each of your fingers once and hold it for seconds
  • Repeat several times daily

Tendon glides

  • Start by straightening your hand and pointing up
  • Bend the top two joints of all fingers
  • Next, make a fist
  • Open your hand back to straight and bend to make a fist
  • Repeat about ten times

The treatment of knuckle pads dorsal Dupuytren nodules involves removing or breaking apart the cords that are pulling your fingers toward the palm. The choice of treatment depends upon the severity of your symptoms and other health problems you may have. You can also follow the exercises with massage for that use Dupuytren’s wand. Visit our website for more detailed information.

Experience of People Living with Dupuytren’s Contracture

It’s difficult to predict how Dupuytren’s Contracture progress. Some people have small lumps or cords, while others develop severely bent fingers. It tends to be more severe if it occurs at an earlier age. In addition, if you have many relatives or your family members with the issue, you may be at higher risk for more severe disease.

Here are the common symptoms of Dupuytren’s disease:

  1. Most patients with Dupuytren’s Contracture have nodules or bumps in hand. When they are first noticed, these nodules and cords may not change for a long time.
  2. The cords and nodules may become bigger and thicker over time. Consequently, they may begin to pull the fingers into a bent position. 
  3. The ring finger and little fingers are most commonly involved in this disease. In addition, each hand can be affected in a different pattern and at different times. 
  4. Men develop more severe symptoms when compared to women. In some cases, a history and examination are all that are needed to evaluate a mass. 

Dupuytren’s Wand is one of the renowned platforms offering high-quality products along with effective home remedies to get rid of Dupuytren’s Contracture. Reach out to our website to explore more. 

How to Make Your Living Easier With Vikings Disease Symptoms

Vikings disease symptoms

More than 2 million people are affected by Dupuytren’s disease in the UK. It is a chronic, progressive disorder of the hand that limits the active extension of the fingers due to advancing and irreversible flexion deformity. Detecting the Viking disease symptoms at the early stage and taking effective measures will help you reduce the symptoms accurately.

  1. The initial signs of Dupuytren’s Contracture are small lumps, pits, and bumps in the palm of your hand around the little finger and the ring base.
  2. The disease may first be noticed due to the difficulty in placing the hand flat on your surface or opening the hand fully.
  3. The findings unveiled that Dupuytren’s wand, jelly, or tape is also effective in reducing the symptoms of Viking disease.
  4. Popping or clicking when you use your fingers.
  5. The bending of your fingers becomes more severe, and it becomes hard to open your hands to perform everyday tasks.

Dupuytren’s wand offers the best products of ZTG that work amazingly to reduce Viking disease symptoms. It is a perfect home treatment that has come up as an alternative to surgery. Reach out to our website to order now.

Eight Foods That Are Enrich in Iodine

Do you want to endorse healthy thyroid function while enjoying some delicious dishes? There are some options available at local grocery and nutrition supplements online store that can be made that happen. Here we have listed six different foods rich in iodine that assist in reaching a DV of 150 mg (adults).

#1 Dried Seaweed

1/4th of an ounce of dried seaweed contains about 4,500 micrograms of iodine. This food can be found in most local grocery stores and make a delicious snack or a nice soup or dish. Moreover, you can visit online to any nutrition supplements to checkout some iodine capsules if you don’t want to cock or not good at cooking.

#2 Eggs

It’s no doubt that egg is one of the fantastic foods that contain almost all nutrients. An egg contains a variety of vitamins and minerals. They can provide 1/10th of the daily recommended iodine. Moreover, they are low in calories.

#3 Shellfish

Lobster and shrimp are highly enriched with iodine. Lobster contains 100mg of iodine, and shrimp contains 35mg. You will find that almost all marine life, both animals and plants, is high in iodine. This includes fish like cod. If you are looking for some quick and easy way to have iodine in your daily diet, add aquatic options. If you don’t want, then try fish oil. The fish oil is an incredible source of iodine and a fantastic mood boost dietary supplement.

#4 Cranberries

Greeted as a “super fruit,” cranberries are exceedingly high in vitamins like C and K. Cranberries also beneficial for your urinary tract system. Besides all these great benefits, cranberries contain 400mg of iodine.

If you are trying to find an incredible method to increase your iodine by cranberry intake, try homemade cranberry relish. All you have to boil cranberries in a mixture of orange juice and sugar will yield the best results.

#5 Dairy Products

Yogurts, cheeses, and milk all dairy products contain varying amounts of iodine. Milk alone contains 56 micrograms (mg) per serving, depending on the actual source and quality of milk.

#6 Turkey Breast

Turkey breast contains low fat and high in flavor, and has long been seen as a food for the first and foremost holiday seasons. If you are a big fan of chicken and looking for a great way to improve your iodine value, turkey can offer about 34 micrograms per serving. It is also loaded with other significant nutrients and vitamins.

#7 Iodized Salt

You can use iodized salt. Approximately 17mcg of iodine is present in ¼ teaspoon of iodized salt, which is recommended intake. Moreover, salt also contains sodium. In the last decade, iodine intake has reduced in the United States. This is because of the push of major health organizations and firms to stop daily sodium consumption to prevent or treat high blood pressure disease.

#8 Tuna

Tuna is a high-protein and iodine-rich food. Moreover, it is an excellent source of iron, potassium, and vitamin B. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids, which may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. As tuna is a fattier fish, the amount of iodine found in tuna is lower than other leaner fishes. Still, tuna is an excellent source of iodine.

Top 4 Nutrition Myths Debunked to Help You Lead a Healthy Life

Have you received bad nutrition advice lately? Your friend asked you to incorporate a new diet plan, and without giving it a second thought, you delve right into it. As a result, instead of losing weight, you harm your body.   

Keto diet, Paleo diet, vegan diet, plant-based diet.

Eat This. Don’t eat that. Sugar is bad.

Incorporate high-quality vitamins and supplements into your diet

Are you familiar with these statements? If you are trying to lose weight or want to eat healthy food, you will be swarmed with this weight loss advice. But, the question is, do they work. Are they good for your health? In his blog, we will examine several myths and discuss the truth behind the common nutrition fallacies.

Myth 1: Eating Small Meals Will Boost Your Metabolism

Trust us eating small meals daily will not boost your metabolism. In reality, smaller meals will increase your hunger cravings, leading to overeating or making unhealthy food choices. Eating more will not increase the number of calories burned or increase your metabolism rate.

Myth 2: Green Tea Supplements Will Help You to Lose Fat

Yes, green tea extract helps in weight loss, but that doesn’t mean you will drink cup after cup of tea to get rid of that bulging belly. The weight loss effect of green tea is because of caffeine. If you are sensitive to caffeine, stay clear of caffeine-based weight-loss Supplements as they may disturb your sleep

Myth 3: All Carbs are Not Bad for You

All carbohydrates are not fattening, but lower quality-refined carbs have more calories and sugars, like dessert, pretzels, white bread, and pasta. To lose weight you only have to give up on processed carbs and not all carbs. Not all carbs are evil; you can have fiber-filled carbs like brown rice.

Myth4: Skip Meals to Lose Weight

If you skip a meal, your metabolism will slow down. Skipping meals will make you feel sluggish throughout the day, and, commonly, you may overeat due to a ravenous type of hunger. You must eat a consistent healthy meal or snacks throughout the day.

So are you all set to incorporate good nutrition choices in your diet?

Tips To Lose Weight Through Exercise

Are you concerned about getting a fit and healthy body? Have you wanted to lose weight yet not sure what are the effective ways to do it? If so, you need to add specific exercises and lifestyle habits for weight loss in your daily life.

How Much Exercise Is needed to lose Weight?

#1 Shorter Daily Workouts

 Daily exercise will probably be best for you. If you prefer shorter workouts, working out for 20 to 35 minutes every day will help you lose weight. In addition to that, it will help you build a regular and healthy habit for physical activity and subtract weight in a fast and healthy way.

#2 Longer Regularly Scheduled Workouts

If you lessen the number of days you work out, you need to increase your workout time every week.

For example, if you do a 60 to 75-minute workout on the weekend and four 35 to 40 minute during the week, you can skip a few days of exercise and still meet the guidelines for weight loss exercise.

#3 Shorter, Harder Workouts

You can also vary workout intensity to burn enough calories to lose weight. For example, suppose you are healthy enough for vigorous activity. In that case, some workouts can be shorter and harder to burn more calories in less time, while other workouts can be longer but more manageable.

To help you find workouts that help you burn calories that fit your lifestyle and goals, some of the best weight loss exercises rounded up here:

#1 Running

Don’t have a treadmill at home? Don’t want to go to the gym? Never mind, one of the best and simplest ways to burn calories is running. Get ready to lace up your shoes and hit the road.

If you want to make the minutes and miles go by quickly, consider speeding up and slowing down your pace – running in intervals.

#2 Jump Rope

Do you remember holding a jump rope in your grade school? Well, you might not have known of it back then, but jumping rope can be considered as a weight loss exercise tip.

Get back into the swing of things and start your weight-loss journey while re-living your childhood memories! Jumping rope is a calorie-busting workout that works for the full-body.  It also improves cardiovascular health.

#3 Spinning

Spinning is a useful way to burn calories, whether on an actual bike or a stationary one. A significant weight-loss activity, spinning targets the most prominent, strongest muscles in the body. However, there’s more to pushing the pedal than speed. If you want to produce more muscles, spinning will help!

How? Because when you engage your biggest muscles, you set off hormones to produce more muscles, helping to burn fat across your whole body.

Don’t like running? You can choose spinning as a low-impact alternative to lose weight fast and naturally. It can be a full-body workout by practicing good form and engaging your core as well as your thighs and glutes.

“Eat Less, Move More” Is it worth for Weight Loss?

A lot of nutritionists and dietitians consider, ‘Eat less, move more’ as the foundation of all the weight loss strategies. But is it really worth preaching? Is the ‘always chanted’ strategy as manageable and straightforward as it sounds? This article brings you the answer to all your perplexed thoughts and questions.

weightloss tips, obesity diet tips
Pic Credit: Pexels.com

This advice seems to be based on the first law of thermodynamics, which applies beautifully to internal combustion engines. Not so much to the human metabolism.

Nevertheless, this theory’s simplicity is so intuitively appealing that it has endured, despite all the evidence to the contrary. There are chances that you already know that reducing the amount of food you eat starts well and ends badly, but you keep doing it anyway.

Let’s imagine this scenario; you reduce your calorie intake substantially and quickly lose weight. As counting calories is what you’ve been instructed to do, and that is what you have always done, you know nothing else except eating less.

That sure can offer a significant effect at first as you reduce your calorie intake and quickly lose weight. However, what happens is that you are hungry pretty much all the time.

Pastry and Boiled Egg on Plate
Pic Credit: Pexels.com

This makes your weight reach that inevitable plateau where your hunger is more raging, gnawing at both your stomach and your resolve.

To cut it short, you are sure to regain the weight that you lost given how unsustainable this strategy is. That is what proves that dieting’s long-term result may paradoxically be the opposite of the desired goal. Cutting calories should certainly be a part of the whole weight loss strategy but should not be the only modality used. When used appropriately, in conjunction with other lifestyle changes, it can have a powerful effect on your weight loss.

Here are a few tips that can make you lose weight in the long-run.

Listen to the Podcast on What Carbs Can I Eat?
  1. Cutting out carbs: This is one of the most effective solutions for losing weight organically. A low carbohydrate diet works because it stimulates the release of fat from storage by reducing insulin secretion. Too much of this hormone can make you fat and sick.
  2. Eat more fat and protein to burn fat: While this may sound counter-intuitive, given the prevalence of low fat diets, nutritional research provides us with mixed results as far as diets do. What we do know for sure is that added and extra sugar is detrimental to you. This is in fact what stimulates the fat production, especially in the liver. Of course when you cut down sugars and carbs, these need to be replaced with something. It might be to your benefit to replace them with healthy fats and proteins. A word of caution here though, it might just be easy to overdo this so you need to watch what you are eating to ensure you do not overindulge with the calories.

Wrapping it up

Unlike an internal combustion engine, the human body is a complex living organism driven by conventional survival mechanisms. You are sure to engage in a battle with your body when you reduce your fat and calorie intake. And trust us when we say, engaging in this battle can be the most futile thing. Work with your body like a dear friend and not a foe.

You can tune to the podcast, Decoding Obesity by Dr. Avishkar Sabharwal, who is M.D. and Dipl. ABOM, trained in Internal Medicine both in India and the U.S. and is board certified in Obesity Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine, to know more about Obesity Prevention tips and Weight Management Advice in detail from medical experts.

Disclaimer: Dr. Avishkar Sabharwal, MD is a medical doctor, but he is not your doctor, and he is not offering medical advice in this Blog/Article. If you are in need of professional advice or medical care, you must seek out the services of your own doctor or health care professional. This group provides information only and does not provide any financial, legal, medical, or psychological services or advice. None of the content in this group prevents, cures, or treats any mental or medical condition. You are responsible for your own physical, mental and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions, and results. Avishkar Sabharwal, MD disclaims any liability for your reliance on any opinions or advice contained in this post.

What Can Promote A Night Of Better Sleep: Melatonin Or Magnesium?

Are you also on the hunt for quality sleep and haven’t experienced a good sleep for ages like millions in this world? If you face sleep issues and you are thinking of taking sleep supplements. Then you must have heard about melatonin or magnesium, two crucial components of sleep.

Photo of Sleeping Man

If you are in a predicament, which can better work for you? Then this blog will provide you with useful insight. 

How can magnesium work wonders for you?

Magnesium is a naturally occurring mineral in the human body, and it helps to regulate nerve function and muscles, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure. It also has a great hand in calming and relaxing your body, which contributes towards a good sleep. 

Related facts about magnesium:

  • Magnesium has a greater role in regulating a neurotransmitter called GABA. It has the function to decrease the interaction between the brain and nervous system, which consequently lowers the stress and help you to have a peaceful sleep. It is a very common fact that the calm and relaxed we are, the easier we fall asleep. 
  • Our body needs magnesium to reach a state of relaxation and calmness to have a good sleep, so without magnesium, a person can find it difficult to sleep. 

Solutions: Upgrade your magnesium intake. First, try to have it from dietary sources. You can take food such as almonds, peanuts, dark leafy greens and avocado, and dairy. 

Apart from these dietary supplements, you can take some natural sleep supplements for better sleep. 

How can melatonin promote better sleep? 

Melatonin is a hormone that is produced by the pineal gland of the body. It has the responsibility to regulate the sleep-wake cycle of the human body. If your body has the presence of melatonin that means your body is prepared for sleep.

Related facts about melatonin

  • We produce more melatonin during the night as compare to the day. That gives the feeling like retiring to bed. 
  • Many factors can affect our body’s natural melatonin production sleep, such as electronics, bright lights, and travel. All these can make it difficult for a person to sleep. 

Solution: You should increase the chances of sleep by turning off the electronics and dimming the lights before sleep. 


Melatonin should not be taken on a regular note, so it’s a good idea to consult your doctor first. 

Which one should you choose? 

Both magnesium and melatonin can help you in different ways. It may also depend on the type of sleep issues you have. Before restoring to sleep supplements, you should try to introduce some changes in your lifestyle for better results. 

You should add magnesium-rich foods to your diet, lower the lights before sleeping. If all of these still do not help, then you should consider some natural sleep supplements containing magnesium and melatonin.