Tag Archives: fitness

The Ultimate Shred Program for Females

The term “fitness” has different connotations for different women. Some women focus on staying in shape and being healthy in their everyday lifestyle, some to enhance their look and beauty, or models for their career. Although almost every woman knows that exercise is beneficial, they cannot take out time for themselves due to their busy lives. Nonetheless, you should know that it is not required to do heavy exercise for good health.  Moderate exercise levels have different benefits too. No matter how your past lifestyle was, making small steps toward a healthier lifestyle is never too late. Choose a shred program for females and start your weight loss journey with Ryan Spiteri, the transformation specialist.


If you are a woman looking to lose unwanted body fat, a workout program involving good weight lifting and a cardio program would be perfect. Tone program for females includes workout that focuses on increasing the number of calories you burn by performing the exercises. In the long run, compound lifts will help you burn way more calories than separate exercises as it involves activities that require multiple muscle groups to help complete it.

By adopting the 8-week shred program, you should notice a transformation in your body with satisfying composition than when you began. The workout focuses on building the legs and glutes’ muscles and sculpting the arms, back, and shoulders muscles.

Also, cardio and core training will help you to burn additional calories during the day and toughen your midsection for a slimmer figure.


A successful diet plan for weight loss is one convenient and delicious menu that is a combination of the vitamins and minerals your body needs to build muscle and maintain energy. Ryan Spiteri’s 8-week shredding program combines workout and custom meal plans designed to reach your fitness goals. The plans might include a low-carb diet, low-fat diet, plant-based diets, etc., that will be assigned in proportion to your body.  However, Spiteri’s plans will make you lose weight while enjoying ice-cream and chocolate.

Egg Whites

Easy to prepare and to have no fat or cholesterol, egg whites are a source of only pure protein.


Oatmeal is excellent for breakfast. It is low in sugar, high in fiber, and provides sustained energy. All you need to do is add hot water or milk, stir, and enjoy.

Green Veggies

Green veggies are healthy and deliver many benefits, like fiber for improved digestion. Adding green vegetables to your diet is not only an excellent weight loss strategy but may also improve your overall health. Plus, they’re heavy, so they fill you up in just a few grams of carbs per cup of veggies.

Bottom Line

As you age, not only does your body have a more difficult time building muscle, it also tends to lose the muscle strength it already has. One of the most significant benefits of regular exercise for women is building and strengthening the muscles. In addition to that, it gives you glowing skin, improves mental health, lets you sleep better, boosts immunity, and more. There is also an online boss shred program for men designed by Ryan Spiteri, the transformation specialist, to help them achieve a fit physique in less than 8 weeks.


There is no denying that everyone who goes to the gym to lift weights has their own set of goals. There is one common thread that runs through most is the desire to get bulkier and stronger. Bodybuilders are those unique people who live to build every muscle in the body to the most significant possible degree. They also try to make sure that everything stays in proportion. If you are also looking for transforming your body and getting bulkier, the online boss shred program by Ryan Spiteri is explicitly designed for you. Here are a few exercises for building muscle.

1. Squats

These are some of the best exercises you can do to gain muscle and get bigger. It is easy to switch to more challenging versions over time, and in the meantime, work towards perfecting your form for the best results.

2. Push-ups

These workout moves work your chest, triceps, and shoulders for a complete muscle-building exercise. Avoid neglecting them.

3. Tricep Dips

The back of the arm is a place where women carry weight genetically. And that might also be the last place that some women lose weight from. You need to indulge in this exercise and watch calorie intake.

4. Bench Press

This is the best workout exercise for pectorals and deltoids. If you wish to achieve maximum stimulation of the chest, position your torso on the bench with a slight arch in the lower back; the ribcage held high, and the shoulder shrugged back and downward.

5. Barbell Pullover

This is the exercise recommended by Ryan Spiteri that promises to enhance pectorals/Lats/ Teres Major/ Triceps. Get the most of this workout by using a weight that allows you a full and deep stretch.

6. Pullup

Vary grip widths and the torso’s angle when pulling to stimulate all areas of the back musculature effectively.

7. Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press

This is the exercise to put the most significant emphasis on the anterior delts, press the DB’s with the palms facing each other.

8. Dip

Lean the torso forward during this movement to target the chest. And you need to keep the torso upright to engage more of the triceps.

9. Crunches

This is the exercise to help with the core strength. These are also meant to tone your midsection.

10. Rotational Jacks

This is an incredible twist on a jumping jack. Rotational jacks are an excellent way to kick off a workout. They’ll get your heart rate up and muscles warm. Include these exercises in your 6 month body transformation program and witness the magic sprout.

What Can Promote A Night Of Better Sleep: Melatonin Or Magnesium?

Are you also on the hunt for quality sleep and haven’t experienced a good sleep for ages like millions in this world? If you face sleep issues and you are thinking of taking sleep supplements. Then you must have heard about melatonin or magnesium, two crucial components of sleep.

Photo of Sleeping Man

If you are in a predicament, which can better work for you? Then this blog will provide you with useful insight. 

How can magnesium work wonders for you?

Magnesium is a naturally occurring mineral in the human body, and it helps to regulate nerve function and muscles, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure. It also has a great hand in calming and relaxing your body, which contributes towards a good sleep. 

Related facts about magnesium:

  • Magnesium has a greater role in regulating a neurotransmitter called GABA. It has the function to decrease the interaction between the brain and nervous system, which consequently lowers the stress and help you to have a peaceful sleep. It is a very common fact that the calm and relaxed we are, the easier we fall asleep. 
  • Our body needs magnesium to reach a state of relaxation and calmness to have a good sleep, so without magnesium, a person can find it difficult to sleep. 

Solutions: Upgrade your magnesium intake. First, try to have it from dietary sources. You can take food such as almonds, peanuts, dark leafy greens and avocado, and dairy. 

Apart from these dietary supplements, you can take some natural sleep supplements for better sleep. 

How can melatonin promote better sleep? 

Melatonin is a hormone that is produced by the pineal gland of the body. It has the responsibility to regulate the sleep-wake cycle of the human body. If your body has the presence of melatonin that means your body is prepared for sleep.

Related facts about melatonin

  • We produce more melatonin during the night as compare to the day. That gives the feeling like retiring to bed. 
  • Many factors can affect our body’s natural melatonin production sleep, such as electronics, bright lights, and travel. All these can make it difficult for a person to sleep. 

Solution: You should increase the chances of sleep by turning off the electronics and dimming the lights before sleep. 


Melatonin should not be taken on a regular note, so it’s a good idea to consult your doctor first. 

Which one should you choose? 

Both magnesium and melatonin can help you in different ways. It may also depend on the type of sleep issues you have. Before restoring to sleep supplements, you should try to introduce some changes in your lifestyle for better results. 

You should add magnesium-rich foods to your diet, lower the lights before sleeping. If all of these still do not help, then you should consider some natural sleep supplements containing magnesium and melatonin. 

The Benefits of Vegan Protein Flavor Supplement

Protein makes up all our cells, nerves, muscles and organs! So, it would be inconvenient but fair to say that without protein, our body would cease to function. Therefore, all the health and fitness experts stress the importance of protein so much. However, the portion should be taken care of significantly. You cannot go for 12 pounds of meat right away, right?


Protein powder is suggested to consume to gain optimum health results. While this might be the most common suggestion given by all the fitness experts, you need to keep in mind that all protein workout supplements are not the same.

The plant-based protein gets all of its forms, and hence it is an alternative source of protein to be proven to be just as effective as the other types of powders.

 Here are three benefits of vegan protein flavor supplements:
  1. Beneficial for Earth and its Environment: A significant fact often overlooked of choosing plant-based protein over animal protein is that they have positive effects on the Earth and the environment. Therefore, we can say that manufacturing plant-based protein powder is a healthy option.
  1. While manufacturing the protein from plants, less waste is created than animal protein; on the other hand, livestock makes a ton of waste which is responsible for the greenhouse gas emissions—world’s major problem.”

Tip: You can buy legit creatine supplements online to keep your fitness and health on track.

2. Allergy Free Option: While most people prefer whey protein as a great source for building muscle, it has also been observed that people may suffer from allergies to whey. It can cause gas and bloating and similar allergies. Plant-based protein powder can be a great alternative as greens supplementsThey can be a great option for those who have gluten allergies!

Man in Blue Shorts Carrying Brown Exercise Equipments

3. Metabolism Booster: Another big reason for using plant-based protein powder is how it affects our metabolism. Protein takes longer periods to digest than carbs and fats; therefore, when you wish to lose weight, it is important to consume more protein to help boost your metabolism.

Key Ingredients to Look for When Buying Pre-Workout Supplements

Contrary to the notions, pre-workout supplements are quite beneficial for bulking up and help in creating an active lifestyle. These supplements offer performance enhancement benefits for various activities. However, the question arises, what are the key ingredients that on consumption enhance the physical output of the individuals. The workout supplements are usually consumed in powder form and hence are also popular among the fitness fraternity as the fat burning powders. The following is a elaborate description of the ingredients that are standard components of the pre-workout supplement. Read on to plunge into the details.

  • Caffeine

When thinking of pre-workout supplement ingredients, the first name that pops out in mind is caffeine. It is the most common go-to supplement to get you charged up in the morning for your workout session. A study has revealed that 99% of the caffeine consumed orally within 45 minutes by the gastrointestinal tract, and hence, it kicks in much faster.

  • Creatine Nitrate

Creatine is an organic compound found in the human bones. It is hugely building up the body strength and muscles, and creatine nitrate is a much more enhanced and soluble form of it and is one of the most prominent ingredients in the pre-workout supplements.

  • Velvet Bean Seed Extract

Velvet bean seed extract is a stress-reducing natural herbal supplement. It is also known as the dopa bean. It also helps in mood elevation and motivates the individual to go for the extra mile.

  • N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine

N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine is a soluble form of L-Tyrosine. It enhances the bioavailability of tyrosine. It has a positive impact on the physical as well as the mental health of an individual. 

The primary benefit a pre-workout supplement offers to any individual is that it works as a performance elevator and helps in providing the little push needed to complete the last set that counts in your muscle gains. All you got to do is make sure that you are consuming the supplements under expert guidance in a regulated amount. If you are looking to buy pre-workout supplements, visit onesthealth.com to get ethically-sourced supplements to start your fitness journey.

4 Fat Burners to Help You Achieve the Desired Body

Fat burners are termed as nutrition supplements that boost your metabolism, reduce fat absorption, and help your body burn more fat as fuel. Though the usage of fat burners has been controversial, some studies and research on fat burner powder back the fact they can be helpful in your weight loss journey. 

Here are some compounds that help in reducing fat:

  1. Green Tea Extract

It is a concentrated form of green tea that provides all the benefits of green tea in a convenient capsule or powder form. Highly rich in caffeine and the polyphenol epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), these two compounds found in green tea can help you burn fat. So, if you wish to reap the benefits of green tea extract dosage of 250-500 mg/day is recommended.

  • Protein Powder

If you are on a fat loss journey, then there is no better macro-nutrient than protein to include in your diet. A diet high on protein curbs your appetite and boosts your metabolism and helps in preserving your muscle mass—resulting in fat loss.

Protein is the prime macro-nutrient that is required by every single organ system and our muscles to function correctly. Sadly, our regular diet cannot satisfy our daily protein requirements. Therefore protein supplements as fat burner powder can come in handy to fulfill the daily requirement.

  • Soluble Fiber

Fiber can be categorized into two categories: soluble and insoluble. Surprisingly, soluble fiber can keep you fuller for a longer duration, curbing your appetite, and hence reducing the levels of hunger hormones ghrelin. So, the fat burning supplement that comes with soluble fiber would be great for you. It also helps in reducing your daily calorie intake.

 Tip: You can buy pre-workout supplements online to boost your workout power to reduce your overall body fat.

  • Yohimbine

Yohimbine substance is commonly used as an aphrodisiac, but it also exhibits some properties that can help in burning fat. It is found in the bark of Pausinystalia Yohimbe. It blocks the receptors called alpha-2 adrenergic receptors, which generally bind adrenaline to suppress its effects—one of being burning fat. So, look out for the supplements containing this compound.

Muscle Gain Diet Plan for Beginners

In this modern era it is attend to have strong and lean muscles. Every man on this planet wants to look like Hercules tall, strong and handsome.

A person doesn’t get great results overnight.One needs to make certain changes in his daily routine to gain muscles. Along with exercises, diet plays a pivotal role in the formation of muscle mass.

Let us go through muscle gain diet plan that is specifically made for beginners:

  • Make strategic use of carbs: There are two ways to include carbs in your diet. The first one is to include starchy foods such as Rice, Bread, and Pasta, which will spike up your blood sugar levels. The second one is non-starchy foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that are rich in fibers. Have non-starchy foods any time during the day.
  • Rely on lean protein: Keep infusing your muscles with protein after a couple of hours to maximize muscle growth. Include lean protein sources such as Chicken, Beef, low-fat dairy products, and Soy. You can also include Whey Protein supplements in your diet to ensure that you are meeting protein requirements on an everyday basis.
  • Keep yourself hydrated: Staying hydrated is something you must follow religiously. Have plenty of water instead of having calorie-rich beverages. Some of you are fond of sugary beverages, adds no nutritional value, and increase your waistline. It also sabotages the body’s defense mechanism. So try to have them once in a blue moon.
  • Limit processed food intake: No matter how enticing the package of your favorite potato chips. Try not to eat it. They do nothing good but will distract you from your fitness routine.

Follow this diet plan and see your muscles growing in no time.Hardwork and dedication can help you achieve desired results.

Why Should You Start Using Pre-Workout Supplements ASAP?

Taking pre-workout supplements are an emerging craze. There is a myriad of benefits associated with them. But, there are still very few people who know about the supplements in intricate detail. A bunch of people always tend to scratch their heads whenever the topic comes up. There are a lot of people who have heard about sleep aids supplements, but, when it comes to pre-workout ones, zip, zilch, nada. These supplements are generally composed of caffeine and beta-alanine. They both work together perfectly to ignite your training sessions. If you wish to achieve peak performance and efficiency in the gym, these supplements are your best option. Let us check-out for more reasons that might compel you to invest in them that is if you are not already convinced.

Weight loss and metabolism go hand in hand

Weight loss is one of the most indirect effects of using pre-workout supplements. Many of the ingredients are meant to stimulate metabolism. For instance, caffeine, which is in most of the pre-workout supplements, is a proven fat-loss aid.

  • You get more energy to workout

This is a no-brainer benefit. The supplements are sure to fill you with more energy. This boost of energy is primarily due to caffeine. Any pre-workout supplements that have caffeine as an ingredient tend to act as a stimulant. These supplements can make you feel energized in a jiffy.

  • They provide you with long-lasting endurance

People that are into these supplements tend to work out for a more extended period and more laborious too. They owe their endurance to caffeine and creatine. L-citrulline malate, beta-alanine, and amino acids are some of the other ingredients that act as endurance promoting.

If you wish to avail of the benefits bestowed upon by pre-workout supplements, you must start using them as soon as you can.

4 Natural Foods that Kills Arthritis

Arthritis is a class of joint disease that causes stiffness, pain and swelling in the joints which unfortunately can affect the people of all genders, ages, and ethnicity. If you or any of your dear ones is suffering from arthritis, then you might know how devastating it can be.

 It can be further classified into 5 categories:

  1. Osteoarthritis –develops with the overuse of the joints
  2. Rheumatoid- a disease in which your immune system attacks your joints
  3. Gout– caused by excess uric acid present in the body.
  4. Psoriatic Arthritis– develops in the people with psoriasis condition
  5. Juvenile Arthritis– develops in the children under 16 with inflammation of the synovium.

So, be it any type of arthritis, consult an expert and along with your medication and medicine, buy joint support supplements.
Besides, there are some foods that can reduce the symptoms of arthritis.

Top 4 are mentioned-below:

1. Fatty Fish

A variety of fatty fish that includes sardines, salmon, mackerel and trout which are high on omega-3 fatty acids, exhibits some strong anti-inflammatory effects. Fish is a good source of vitamin D, so if you have deficiency, fatty fishes are advocated to eat. Multiple researches and studies in this direction have concluded the rheumatoid arthritis can be the result of lack of vitamin D.

In a research, 33 participants were put up to an experiment— they were either fed by fatty fish, lean fish or lean meat at least 4 times per week. When the results were recorded after eight weeks, the group that ate fatty fish group was found with decreased levels of specific compounds related to inflammation.                 

2. Garlic

If you didn’t know the fact that garlic is packed with a lot of health benefits. Some studies conclude that, they possess cancer fighting properties. They are also known for consisting some compounds lower the risks of heart disease and soothes inflammatory effects of arthritis. People who consume more garlic on regular basis are less likely to have decreased risks of hip osteoarthritis and improves overall health, all thanks to strong anti-inflammatory properties of garlic.

 Tip: If you are looking to lose weight, then tag along shred supplement stack with your work out routine.

3. Ginger

If you recognize ginger as a supplement to add a burst of flavor to tea, soups, then you might want to refresh your knowledge. Ginger is one of those complex foods that hold not one but many and it helps in ease down the symptoms of arthritis. Many studies and researches support the fact it particularly help patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. For buying joint support supplements, search online for authentic portals.

4. Broccoli

Undeniably, broccoli is one of the healthiest foods available today. In reality, it can be useful in soothing down the inflammation. A compound called- sulforaphane is found in broccoli that helps in blocking the creation of a type of cell involved in rheumatoid arthritis development.

How to Select Best Fat Burners to Include in your Diet?

Losing weight is never an easy process! You have to fight with diets, keep a count calorie, maintain infinite hours at the gym, and those plateau phases–these things can turn out to be you worst nightmare. It is not easy, it isn’t impossible either!

Strong thermogenic fat burner can increase your endurance, energy, fastens the fat loss process and suppress your appetite.  With this you can thanks science and creation of such fat burning supplements that helps you gain results faster with lesser struggle.

 Quick Tip: If you work out daily, then to increase your endurance, check pre workout supplements reviews and you can buy them online from retailers like OnestHealth.

  • How does thermogenic fat burner works?

Some Thermogenic fat burners are known to produce heat in the inside cells that burns fat. Others help in increasing your metabolic rate while you are on the quick fat loss! And, these fat burners’ best works when consumed with healthy diet regiment.

  • Which fat burner is right for your weight loss goals?

There are various types of supplements available in the market such as creatine for muscle growth. But there are few ingredients that you should look out for while picking the fat burners for yourself.

  1. Forslean Forskolin – it helps in releasing fatty acids from the stubborn fat that has been deposited in your body. Many clinical studies suggest that ability of forskolin for increasing metabolism and target belly fat is commendable.
  2. 5-HTP – You won’t find 5-HTP in fat burners because of its price; 5 is a costly ingredient that increases serotonin, suppress hunger, and aids in weight loss naturally.
  3. Cayenne Pepper – When the extract of “cayenne pepper” is added to the Transparent Lab’s Fat Burner, it naturally upturns body’s thermogenesis process without any stimulant effect which further increases the amount of calories burnt with/without exercise.