Best Home Remedies to Treat Dupuytren’s Disease

We always use our hands every day whether we are making a cup of coffee, picking up the phone, typing at a desk, or handling tools. Sometimes, different conditions can affect manual dexterity and one of the main conditions is Dupuytren’s disease.

What is Dupuytren’s Disease?

You will notice the lump in the palm of your hand and the diseased tissue is not painful to the touch but may be sensitive. Eventually, the tissue will begin to form cords that reach up through the palm to the fingers. If this is the case, the condition will usually be more severe on one hand. 

Home remedies for Dupuytren’s Disease

You can try a number of diseases to treat Dupuytren’s Contracture:

  • Reduce palm pressure

The skin on the palm of the hand is where the disease starts. You can try to manage your symptoms by protecting your affecting hand.

  1. Practice a looser grip
  2. Wear gloves
  • Try exercises

Stretching does help in treating Dupuytren’s Contracture disease. There is a number of exercises that help in managing this type of condition. You can try:

  1. finger lifts
  2. palm raises
  3. finger bends
  4. hand press
  • Utilize massage

Massage is a good flow up to exercise, but it can be beneficial as a standalone activity. You can conduct a massage of the whole hand including the palm and fingers with your unaffected hands. Or you can ask any member or friend to lend their hands to the tasks.

As we all know that medical treatment is an option but there is a number of home remedies for lump in the palm of a hand you can try to treat the Dupuytren’s Contracture. Reach out to ZTG to explore more treatments and products for Dupuytren’s Contracture.

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